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(866) 973-9612

216 Union Street
Seattle, WA 98101

The Fairy’s Bottom: A Midsummer Cabaret

The Fairy’s Bottom: A Midsummer Cabaret
4pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 3pm {17+}
5:30pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 4:30pm {17+}
6:30pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 5:30pm {17+}
7:30pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 6pm {17+}
8:30pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 8pm {17+}
9:30pm show: Seating and dinner service begins at 9pm {21+}
Thursday / July 6 - Sunday / July 16, 2023 - show times vary

$29 - $59
From the hit-making duo who created BOHEMIA and SEATTLE VICE comes a new show that undresses the Shakespearean classic "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and reveals a clever and sexy new cabaret. Powerful original music sung by hosts Mark Siano and Opal Peachey will invite audiences into the fairy's bower where some of the Northwest's hottest dancing nymphs and dryads will entertain adventurous human guests. Starring Broadway alum Sara Porkalob as Puck and a cast of local burlesque and aerial stars, the fairies invite all their spritely friends in Seattle to join them at the opulent Triple Door. "The Fairy's Bottom" will be an unforgettable Midsommar bacchanal full of music, burlesque, comedy, and fiendish delights.

The Triple Door 

216 Union Street - Seattle, WA 98101 
Tickets: Online or (866) 973-9612 



Monday :: 4pm - 10pm on show nights  
Tue/Wed/Thu :: 4pm - 10pm  
Fri/Sat :: 4pm - 12am  
Sun :: 4pm - 10pm 
Box Office Hours :: Show Days :: 4pm - 9pm   
Happy Hour :: 7 Days a week :: 4pm - 6pm   
Telephone :: 7 Days a week from 7am to 8pm   
Mainstage hours vary based on showtimes

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